
Jane LiVigni - $350
Marco Mendoza $100
San Diego Tech Support $25
Margaret Urquhart $25
Robert Evans $25
Dale Mastny $50
Dan Weber $500
Elizabeth Urquhart $850
Eliane Olson $50
Amy DeNoble $50
Donna Roberts $20
Jane Steen $100
Tom Shaddox $200
Steve Cassotta $300
Bert Risley $100
Linda Wilks $50
Gregory Barr $50
Douglas Gundermann $50
Steve Gross $25
Fern Riley $50
Merrill Perry $10 (monthly)
Charnelle Merrill $25
Steven Camacho $50
Stephanie Kaiser $50
Mark Steers $50
Barbara Sevier $50
Peter Andersen $100
Carolyn Elliott $100
Theresa Blain $15
Bryan Conn $100
Reem Totry $5
Linda Wilks $50
Jenny Listug $1,000
Barbara Amster $5
Russell Walsh $100
Andrea Bonner $50
Fadi Shammo $50
Paul Zetts $100
Shelley Best $100
Dean Spooner $100
Richard Fuller $100
Todd Schilling $100
George Robinson $100
Fadi George $50
Irene Thompson $25
Teri Storm $25
Jane McBride $50
Susan Henkel $200
Jeannette Poling $100
Sara Mills $100
Angel Salazar $50
Katherin Hayes $25
Vivian Lardizabal $100
Colleen Venancio $25
Mohammed Al Nasser $25
George Osper $100
Susan Skocko $50
CDR N N Paul USN $100
Dennis Hill $250
Robert Merrill $50
Stephanie Young $100
Samer Kanno $25
Ann Stahl $50
Bonnie Fago $50
Mark Steers $50
Theresa Callanan $50
Stephanie Dillon $100
Cliff Clifford $500
Danielle Towne $100
Deborah Berger $25
Bonner Montler $25
Lyle & Grace Caddell (RSD Billboard/$2,000 in-kind)
Jillian Chu $25
Jocelyn Rivera $25
Gordon Davis $100
Candice Lenney $500
Mary Wylie $25
Samer Kanno $100
Todd Schilling $250
Jane LiVigni $100
Russell Robinson $25
Anonymous Donor $52,500
Peter Andersen $500
Linda Wilks $100
Diane Wallace $100
Courtney Allsing $50
Michael Knab $15
Deborah Berger $25
Steven Purkey $25
Mark Cripe $100
Writings by Amanda $20
Irene Thompson $100
Myla Fields $20
Jennifer Stedman $50
Barbara Sevier $200
Larry Catt $100
Caroline Cauchi $100
Diana King $25
Frank Lucero $100
Katherin Hayes $50
Ellen Catt $100
Dianne Jacob $250
Nina Flores $100
Theresa Blain $25
Vanessa Linn $250
Kathleen Ellis $100
Donnie Roman $100
Robert Foster $50
Bradford Monroe $100
Claire Kelly $100
Cynthia Ehrlich $50
Steve Riedl $25
Patrick Nissan $25
Merrill Perry $20
Diane Wallace $100
Karen Romano $100
Stephanie Young $500
Susan Holtz $25
Alan Levin $100
Linda Michael $100
Valerie Willardson $100
Janine Lorey $100
Tracy Weekley $100
S Jane Steen $200
Ashley Lunn $100
John Davis $50
Caroly Elliott $100
Sherri Kleeburg $100
Teri Davies $50
Philip Bailey $1,000
Nancy Parker $100
Jean Stanley $50
Dona Mapston $25
John DeLaurentis $25
Charles Girardot $100
Stephen Reinstein $200
Kathy Butterfield $25
Samer Kanno $150
Dina Beerle $20
Noel Egnatios $100
Robert Evans $100
Abram Jimenez $50
Linda Mount Nickers $50
Dale Mastny $100
Susan Waters $50
Philip Hosking $50
Anne-Marie Twee $25
Wendy David $25
Thomas Mitchell $100
Jane LiVigni $100
Sinan Shathaya $100
Suzanne Kelso $20
Attisha Corp. $25
Maureena Parashos $100
Danno Crotty $100
Natalie Barrantes $25
Tom Shaddox $500
Andy Brikho $100
Margaret Mullen $100
Steph Bickley $100
Ross Adcock $100
Ann Rehl $25
Scott Welles $25
Penelope Youngberg $250
Margaret Urquhart $25
Patrick Sullivan $50
Lori Hable $50
Perry Robinson $50
Nancy Usrey $25
Robert Leonard $100
Barbara Atkisson $100
Kornelia Sulik $50
William Bayer $50
Lauren Burnham $25
David Baca $100
Lynn Howard $50
Cora Jenson $100
Jamie Arendes $25
Reem Totry $25
William Hendrickson $1,000
Devorah Dox $50
Erik Polk $100
Curtiss Wright $250
Suzanne Hansen $5
William Burnell $200
Law Offices of Carl H. Starrett II $50
Heidi Hauser $50
Mary Beth Kastan $100
Bonnie Price $10
Maria Middlebrook $25
Roxana Gores $100
Sycuan Tribal Government $4,000
Sharon Cox $100
Badri Badriyha $100
Robert Hatton $500
Susanne Glasgow $100
Fiona Honeysett $500
Brian Lorenz $100
Bob Collins $100
Suzanne Duke $100
Anita Reith $100
Lee Holter $100
Kashmiri Hutcherson $500
Chyrl Scallions $50
Dennis Schoville $100
Lauren Beauchamp $100
Joseph Duncan $50
Jesse & Penny Hemmingway $125
Fred Sanders $25
Michael Soloway $100
Constance Via $50
Claude Jonna $100
George Robinson $300
Patricia Herron $30
Ronald Bentley $100
James Radice $50
Janet & Gerry Mulder $100
Preston Brown $25
Donald Goss $100
Erika Lawson $100
Vicky Rosenberg $100
Peter Morrell $100
Jonathan Kohl $25
Douglas Williford $25
Barbara Sevier $200
Jeanette Poling $100
Larry Olds $100
James Ghazil $100
Garth Dimkoff $500
Josan Feathers $100
Nicholas Paul $100
Samer Kanno $100
Zahir Toma $15
Linda Wilks $100
Todd Schilling $25
Teri Davies $25
Leslie Moule $25
Barbara Atkisson $100
Keith Hilinski $50
Diane Wallace $50
Laura Lyons $50
Christine Laframboise $50
Leticia Reece $50
Todd Nadeau $100
Cathy Bartels $50
Jennifer Bergovoy $100
Theresa Touchstone $25
Glenn Pezzoli $25
Randy Krauss $100
Bob Collins $250
Kevin May $100
Jeannette Poling $100
George Robinson $300
Ellen Catt $100
Kathleen Ellis $50
Dianne Jacob $500
Tanya Homiston $50
Anne Stahl $100
Aleta Greer $50
Patricia Welling $100
Janet Mulder $50
Bradford Monroe $100
Jean Stanley $25
Patricia Knight $100
Steven Camacho $50
Kathy Butterfield $50
Marge Cushman $200
Kathryn DeBolt $100
Kathleen Ybarrondo $100
Stephen Reinstein $200
Esther Hogue $11
Carol Gross $50
James Colt $25
Stephanie Dillon $200
Irene Thompson $100
Nuhad Kalla $100
Leslie Biggins $100
Theresa Blain $25
Stephanie Young $100
Davidson Digital Decorations $50
Mavi Ghio $50
Bradford Monroe $50
Rosamond Trujillo-Blevins $25
Jane LiVigni $100
Theresa McKenna $100
Gail Granewich $100
Carl Silva $50
Bradford Monroe $50
PLEASE DONATE WHAT YOU CAN is a 501(c)4 non-profit civic organization. We are asking all who have an interest in fighting against the Cottonwood Sand Mining Project to donate what you can. Your generosity will support administrative functions (website, domains, fliers, door hangers, yard signs, social media, communications, publicity, video production & general supplies) and the legal action we are employing to ensure we STOP this sand mine!

Comment Letters Received by the County in 2023 in Response to the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report Documents
August 20, 2023 -
August 19, 2023 - Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP, Environmental Legal Team
August 19, 2023 - Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP, Environmental Legal Team
August 19, 2023 - Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP, Environmental Legal Team
September 1, 2023 - Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP, Environmental Legal Team
August 14, 2023 - Sierra Club of San Diego

February 28, 2022 - Shute, Mihaly & Weinberbger LLP, Environmental Legal Team
February 28, 2022 -
February 28, 2022 - Sycuan Band Of The Kumeyaay Nation
February 28, 2022 - Valle de Oro Community Planning Group
February 28, 2022 - San Diego Sierra Club
February 28, 2022 - San Diego Audubon Society
February 28, 2022 - Department of Fish and Wildlife

February 28, 2022 - Dr. Devorah Fox
February 28, 2022 - Breton Peace & Noel Egnatios

February 25, 2022 - Lori Loiselle and The Loiselle Family
February 28, 2022 - Badri Badriyha, PhD, PE
February 28, 2022 - Criss Brainard, Fire Chief, San Miguel Fire & Rescue
February 28, 2022 - Barry Jantz, Director
January 17, 2022 - David Filip, co-founder of Valley Fever Survivor and Voice For Action

January 11, 2022 - Spring Valley Community Planning Group
Anne Krueger, President
Grossmont-Mt. Helix Improvement Association

San Diego County Democratic Party Resolution regarding "Opposition to the Cottonwood Open Pit Strip Sand Mine Proposal in Rancho San Diego, California".
Resolution supporters include:
Sierra Club, San Diego Chapter
San Diego Democratic Party
SD County Democrats for Environmental Action
La Mesa Foothills Democratic Club
Democratic Women's Club of San Diego
East County Democratic Club


"Great video! The surrounding schools should be doing a better job informing parents about this. I know for a fact that a lot of people in Rancho San Diego don't know about this proposed Sand Mine. We all need to help share this information!"
- Enas Zori Najar
"It's hard to believe that they will harvest all that sand even though it helps to clean and filter the water that flows to Sweetwater River. The sand also helps distribute water to our underground aquafer and many well water local residents depend on the natural flush of fresh ground water each year. Wonder if local people realize how this truly negatively affects our environment and water supply."
- Jennifer Poole Wilson
"No Sand Mine!!!"
- Linda Lambert
"Is there any regard for the community around the Cottonwood Golf Club land?
- Rick Crawford
"Stop the sand mine!"
- Diane Silverthorn
"I would like to see this property turned into a park!"
- Mike Petitt
"I was just thinking how lucky we were not to buy a house at Steele Canyon Estates. We looked at two properties and I decided not to be stuck with every rising maintenance fee. Those homes are worth over 2 million dollars and will be having sand on everything."
- Larry Joe Sutton
"Do not destroy this beautiful residential community."
- Dorothy Sagaser
"Protect our environment and eliminate more truck traffic."
- Velina (Monica) Bryan-Gonzalez
"As a Registered Civil Engineer and former member of the Valle de Oro Community Planning Group, I believe that this proposed project is incompatible with the neighborhood. The silica dust and air pollution is dangerous for the community. The traffic impacts will negatively affect neighborhoods throughout this region. The environmental impacts are devastating. Please protect our neighborhood and do NOT compromise our health and well-being!"
- Josan Feathers
"This would greatly impact all residents. There is a school, family park and family dwellings in the direct vicinity. The roads are not equipped for the amount of trucks that would be trucking sand in and out of the property, not to mention the noise impact."
- Donna Burns
"This would be a disaster for our health and quality of life!"
- Sandra Wood
"We must save and preserve our nature."
- Doria Wosk
"Mining does not belong in a residential neighborhood. The proposed site borders homes and schools and the noise pollution will disrupt our lives."
- Melinda Oliver
"I do not want this beautiful area we live in spoiled."
- Jan Gates
"Mining of any kind should not be allowed in or near planned residential communities."
- Phillip Faker
"This type of operation has no place in this area. Increased truck traffic, added congestion to traffic in an already busy area, and close to an elementary school - this is inappropriate! Allowing a sand mining operation in a neighborhood would be seriously detrimental to our quality of life in Jamul and Rancho San Diego. This travesty must not go forward."
- Barbara Sevier
"Don't let them destroy our beautiful neighborhood and Rancho San Diego!"
- Melody Marchand
"A sand mine will disrupt the quality of our lives!"
- Dina Beerle
"No more traffic, trucks, dust, noise or environmental damage in our community. We already have troubles with trucks on the roads and our homes bombarded with dust from the nearby quarry."
- Tim Schneider
"This project will affect my health and my family's health as well as cause pollution throughout the area."
- Ziad Alsaigh
"I ride horses in this area. It will be a health hazard to breath in the area if the sand mine goes in, not to mention having to look and listen to the nonstop commotion!"
- Jane Jones
"This project does not belong in this already congested area. It would add 176 trips per day of commercial trucks to an area that is already maxed out and create dangerous traffic conditions, exhaust, and dust. It will decrease surrounding property values."
- Tom & Claire Kelly
"Traffic is already heavily impacted in this area - a mining operation will exacerbate this problem and our quality of life in many ways."
- Michael Ann Beyer
"I strongly oppose sand mining in the Cottonwood area for these reasons (1) This is a pleasant residential community that consists of homes, from condos to multi-million dollar homes, that would face plummeting property values; (2) More importantly, our children attend nearby public schools and our elderly live in nearby facilities - these require an environment free from air, noise pollution, and traffic; (3) Willow Glen Road is a two-lane road, already crowded with speeders and traffic going to the casino. Anyone who visits our Cottonwood community will understand why this sand mining project would endanger our health and the safety of our environment."
- Daryl Mason
"There has already been far too much destruction to this area."
- Carolyn Elliott
"I am opposed to a sand mine at Cottonwood Golf Club. This will rob the community of the beauty of the area. It would be very disruptive to the whole community."
- Karolyn Malmin
"I have lived on the ridge of Wind River Road overlooking the Club House on Cottonwood Golf Club. I am horrified that it is even considered to add another Gravel/Sand operation so close to one that already exists on Willow Glen Road."
- Elaine Pierce
"As a lifelong member of the community of Rancho San Diego, I know that we value peace, tranquility, and quality of life. This proposed sand mine in the heart of Rancho San Diego, on a watershed (Sweetwater River), and a stone's throw from our bird sanctuary that the County spent millions to preserve over 20 years ago, is gross and wrong. The environmental impact alone, without bringing up the monetary and social impacts of the "golf course houses" that line this proposed development, is massive."
- Matthew Howard
"I live off Wind River Road and my view is of the Cottonwood Golf Club property. I am very concerned that a sand mine will negatively affect our property values as well as destroy this community's beauty."
- Kyle Daniels
"I am with you to stop the negative impact this selfish project would have both environmentally and financially on the community."
- Craig Newberry
"This area is so beautiful. It should be left alone. Traffic is already bad and a sand mine would pollute the air creating/exacerbating allergies."
- Shatal Dyer
"We cannot let anyone do this massive digging right in the midst of beautiful homes, families and children. The whole environment will be impacted with debris and sand flying everywhere. It will be very bad for children and adults to breath. This should not be done in a residentially developed area!"
- Sharon Mele
"This sand mining project is an atrocity on every level!"
- Sallie Brown
"I am a community member and a property owner who is very much against the Cottonwood Sand Mine project."
- Marlene Shannon
"I am totally opposed to the sand mine!"
- Katherine Mertes
"We are opposed to this project!"
- Jim & Anne-Marie Roach
"I oppose this project. It will cause a depreciation in home values. It will destroy the beautiful communities of Jamul and Rancho San Diego."
- Shirlie Coles Laipple
"This project must not move forward. There are no pros to a Sand Mine in Cottonwood!"
- Ryan Stephans
"This sand mine must be fought. How is California supporting an All Green environment yet this project is being considered when it would replace a habitat supporting animals with an empty, non-environmental Sand Pit?!"
- John McCann
"I and my extended family see no redeeming benefits of a sand mine replacing the Cottonwood Golf Club, other than lining the pocket of the owner with cash. What will the public receive in exchange?"
- J. Dennis Jamison
"I object to the proposal of the Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Eric M. Anderson
"We must stop this! We must keep our community safe and clean."
- Brittani Whiteley
"I'm totally against this project in my community due to the health issues and traffic impact it will have."
- Henry Zaldivar
"This project is completely unacceptable and against the will of the residents in the surrounding community. We pay our taxes and expect to live in comfort in return."
- Maria Fakhoury
"I am totally against this Sand Pit. This road is already dangerous and has many accidents monthly. Adding more heavy truck traffic on Willow Glen Road will make it even more dangerous. This project must consider all the families and children traveling this route to and from school, work and home."
- Janice Echaves
"I live on Sycuan Indian Reservation and want to help stop this."
- Lorie Sturgeon-Sandoval
"This is a bedroom community with already inadequate streets for traffic in the area. To bring an environmentally and inappropriate industry into the area that is not compatible is criminal."
- Sherry Bean
"I stand completely against this project and against the developer who wants to damage our water resources."
- Renee Soto
"I want to stop this sand mine. I do not want to hear the horrible loud noise that will be inevitable."
- Raghad Hamama
"I have horses boarded at a nearby equestrian facility and many of us who ride in the area are concerned about the negative impacts to ourselves and our animals."
- Linda Michael
"No way in hell should a sand project be allowed!"
- Peter Ehmcke
"This would be a travesty to Rancho San Diego if approved. One quarry on Willow Glen Drive is too much... let's not add another!"
- Tim Brodowski
"I am devastated that someone wants to turn the beautiful property into a sand mining operation. It is all about money and not how the community will be impacted negatively."
- Leeanne Jolly
"This is not right. It needs to be stopped. The air quality is ridiculous already and is killing us."
- John Drumel
"Stop the mine! This is a disservice to the hard working property owners of Rancho San Diego and Jamul."
- John C. Stafford
"We live here because of the wonderful nature and silence around us during the day and night. To have someone come in and destroy this land and have trucks coming in and out of our streets and community all day is unacceptable. We will never be able to sell our homes if a sand mine is approved. It is a tragedy for Rancho San Diego if this is allowed to happen."
- Jane Girardot
"This absolutely cannot go forward!"
- Laura Pribyl
"Our community has grown and is filled with children in local schools. We do not need polluting trucks going in and out, silica in the air, harm to our lungs and our children's lungs. This is the wrong location for a sand mine."
- Cherie Martinez
"This proposal is incompatible with the area and adjacent homes."
- Stephen Kapp
"Save our community - we must stop this sand mine!"
- Gina Holenstein
"I strongly oppose anything so unsuitable as this sand mine for our lovely rural community."
- Sherry Johnson
"The Sweetwater Riverbed should not be touched. If this sand mine is approved, how will the Sweetwater Authority transfer water from Loveland to the Sweetwater reservoir without it being contaminated?"
- Rudy & Elsie Marik
"This is not a good idea in any way. It will line the pockets of a few while destroying our community."
- Mavi Ghio
"I have lived here 40 years and am strongly opposed to this project!"
- Jerry Ann Smith
"We must stop this!"
Kenya L. Taylor
"This cannot happen!"
- Timothy Schneider
"There will be loss of property values due to the noise, dust, and safety issues if this is approved."
- Connie Beck
"The Sand Mine will ruin our environment and our neighborhoods. The beauty and air quality impacts from this this ugly, noisy & polluting project would be a terrible insult to the people who live here. None of the roads were designed for the volume of heavy trucks that will be added to the heavy trucks already running from Hester's Quarry on Willow Glen into El Cajon, La Mesa and elsewhere. We can't let the greed of the developers supersede the lives of the thousands of community members who would be detrimentally impacted should this monstrosity be allowed to move forward."
- E John Buesing
"I overlook the golf course - why is someone trying to take our great community away? Why put the elementary school children at risk with all the additional large trucks?"
- Robin Damico
"This project is despicable and cannot be approved in such a beautiful community!"
- Christine Thompson
"The owner of this property is responsible for numerous land grabs, praying on communities with open space, for profit."
- James Ridgeway
"Why insist on ruining the environment?"
- Mary Willis
"This project is disgusting. It will be horrendous with traffic, plummeting property values, dirt everywhere, and perhaps dangerous chemicals in our community. How can a plan like this be approved in the middle of a residential community?"
- Sandra Tessier
"We definitely need to stop this sand mine! Why doesn't the County buy it, keep the east golf course as a public course, and convert the west, or lakes, course as a park with walking paths, cement benches, picnic tables, and an enclosed dog park?"
- Stephen & Kay Brownellor-Bickley
"Please be aware of the air quality change this sand mine would bring - the amount of debris on your patios and in your pools as well as the early morning wake-up signals coming from trucks. We live four blocks from the MacGrath Rock Quarry in Rancho San Diego and have first-hand experience what having an operation of this kind in your backyard is like - it's not pretty!"
- Kathy Hebert
"I am very concerned about the proposed project and its excavation of sand. Living directly across the street from this leads me to be very concerned about my health. Being asthmatic, having several allergies that contribute to my asthma, I am concerned about my quality of life. It's not just the pollution from the machinery and the trucks hauling the sand that's problematic, but also the particulates in the air from the excavation process. There will also be increased traffic on Willow Glen Drive tearing up an already compromised road. My husband and I moved to this rural location 18 years ago to escape the traffic, pollution and noise. We came to enjoy the views, the quiet, the natural habitat, the serenity of a rural community. Now all of our dreams could be shattered if this sand mining project is approved. We want to live our our senior years without the disruption of a sand mine - please do not allow the permitting for this project. It will affect so many families and their quality of life."
- Linda Crouch
"I bought our house 15 years ago because of the golf course. I am retired. This sand mine would be a disaster for me."
- Ronald Bentley
"We must stop this before it gets started. It is BAD for the community."
- Toby Levy-Preston
"I am against turning this beautiful property into a sand mine!"
- Sam Salem
"We strongly oppose the Sand Mine!"
- Joseph & Regina Decker
"This sand mine project would be a disaster for our residential community as well as create severe problems with traffic and air quality."
- Joseph Duncan
"I strongly object to the Cottonwood Sand Mine project."
- Ramiel Begzadeh
"We are against the Sand Mine in our community and so near the elementary school where our children walk to school. It will completely kill off the animals and birds in our natural preserve. We live in a very quiet and low traffic area; our way of life will change drastically if this sand mine goes in. Home prices in the surrounding area will be cut in half since no one will want to live here. This is unacceptable with businesses and homes right on the edge of the proposed site. What about the nearby elementary school on Jamul Drive as well as Steele Canyon High school and the safety issues involved with the high number of children and adolescents walking, biking and driving to and from school Monday through Friday during the hours heavy trucks will be traveling to and from the mine? Many of us are concerned about the biological impact, utilities impact, the noise pollution, serious negative health effects, the effect of property values, and the significant change that will be made to the aesthetics of the environment."
- Jane Girardot
"I support the effort to stop this sand mine project. We cannot let this happen to Rancho San Diego and Jamul. What an arrogant, thoughtless endeavor in such a developed area."
- Robin Visconti
"Please add me to your list who oppose the sand mine."
- Marc Webb
"I am against this project!"
- Laura Vaiasuso
"Let me know what I can do to stop this."
- Nancy Harrelson
"Count me in for fighting this sand mine!"
- Katherine Mertes
"I remember when the excavation was done on Emerald Point and up at the park. The company didn't comply as promised with watering down the dirt. My back yard was a mess not to mention the inside of my house. I don't want this mess again!"
- Kim Cabuhat
"There will be loss to property values due to noise, dust, and safety issues - we must fight this at the County level by contacting the Board of Supervisors."
- Connie Beck
"I do not agree with putting a sand mine right in the middle of a residential area as well as close to schools. Traffic will be a problem in such a small area with only a few roads."
- Ruth Donley
"I am absolutely against this!"
- Jamie La Fortune
"I am 20 years retired after working for California Division of Highways/Caltrans for 40 years as an infrastructure guy - and, I've lived in Singing Hills for more than 30 years. I understand this project and am not at all in favor of it."
- Vance Breshears
"I am absolutely opposed to this project. The current traffic from the quarry on Willow Glen Drive is terrible. The heavy truck traffic has ruined the condition on the road."
- Rosanna Schorr
"This project is one of our worst nightmares. It will bring a myriad of problems for us all."
- Paul Swope
"Please send me info and anything I can do to help stop this project."
- Jennifer Martinez
"Why in the world would they pick the Cottonwood Golf Club for mining sand?"
- Theresa McKenna
"I live nearby and have a child at Jamacha Elementary and a child at Steele Canyon High School. We do not need this is our community!"
- Jenny Stedman
"I fully support the effort to STOP this project."
- Paul Lewis
"I find it beyond belief than an operation such as this is being considered in a beautiful peaceful neighborhood setting. The property values will go down along with the quality of life."
- Linda Logan
"This project DOES NOT belong in this community!"
- Linda Wilks
"With you! I'm also fighting sand mining in El Monte Valley."
- Michael Evans-Layng
"There are already two sand quarries on Dehesa Road. Why do we need another one? This project has to be stopped. Our 2-lan roadway cannot handle more heavy truck traffic and our quality of life is being compromised by a greedy developer."
- Rose
"This has no place in our beautiful community."
- Ileana Koupal
"We oppose this project!"
- Vanessa Hernandez
"While there is a need for aggregate to be used in construction, it is irresponsible to allow this project in the middle of an established residential community. This will affect the safety of those that drive in the area. It will also negatively affect the health of everyone in the area because of the noise and dust from the mining operation."
- Bradford Monroe
"We don't want this in our community; take it elsewhere."
- Nadia Stout
"Please do not make this area into a sand mine. Not only is the noise going to bad with the tractors and trucks coming in and out, but it will be a tremendous eyesore as well."
- Yanira Lo Coco
"This is an established community, let's keep it that way! This is a very unethical approach to a piece of our community. The current owner probably hasn't been to the property. With his history of mismanagement of other closed golf courses in Escondido and Oceanside, this would not be a benefit to our community."
- Michael Stout
"Looking forward to making progress on keeping Cottonwood Golf Club as something that adds to the community."
- Ronnie Woodrow
"We live in such a beautiful part of San Diego. It should not be ruined with this potential destruction."
- Christine
"This should never be allowed in our community."
- Jason Darling
"I very much oppose this project. Let me know the ways to support the opposition!"
- Jan McBride
"I join the struggle to keep this project our of our community."
- Thomas Holman
"I have been alerting our neighbors. Even if you not live very near this operation, it will negatively affect everyone in the surrounding area."
- Claire Cooke
"I support the opposition to this project."
- Tony Sayegh
"We will do everything we can to prevent this from happening!"
- Dave & Melinda Roman
"I am in opposition to this mining project. It will impact the water flow and quality when water is released from Loveland Dam into Sweetwater."
- Angel Salazar
"I am a Lakeside resident who supports your fight against the destruction of your community by sand miners."
- Kathryn Cunningham
"This could not be a worse idea for this idyllic area. Having grown up here, I always enjoyed riding my bike around this beautiful community. Many of us bought homes in this area to enjoy outdoor spaces that are void of construction and urban sprawl. This is a BAD IDEA!"
- Trish Huffman
"I live in Mt. Helix and give unconditional support to your efforts!"
- Gerald Wilke
"I am a citizen against the Sand Mine."
- Doug Howarth
"STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Cynthia Ehrlich
"I can't comprehend mining around thousands of children, community, and even an artery of bicyclists and runners. Their long-term health shouldn't be measured by profits and tax revenue."
- TK Swope
"I fully oppose the proposition to turn Cottonwood Golf Club into a sand mine for the next ten years or more."
- Amy DeNoble
"I am opposed to the sand mine. It would be horrible for our beautiful residential community."
- Candice Kasawdish
"Stop the Sand Mine!"
- Terri Horn
"I want to participate in stopping this project."
- Ken Nelson
"I am totally opposed to the sand mine!"
- Cora Jensen
"I am against this!"
- Reem Torey
"I find the idea of this project horrifying for the residents directly impacted by the truck traffic, noise and loss of property values. I am a few blocks away but there is no way that this won't affect me as well. It will ruin Rancho San Diego forever."
- Marquita Davis
"Cottonwood Sand Mine is proposed across from a large residential housing development. These innocent taxpaying citizens would be subject to air pollution due to particulate and possible fungi. The profits made from the sand mine would benefit the owners and be borne by the homeowners whose property and health would suffer. The heavy sand trucks would erode our roads. They would also be a hazard to other drivers on the road as they are heavy and more dangerous in a collision. California is full of sand. They should mine away from homes and schools. There is also no guarantee that they would ever restore the land. If they declare bankruptcy, a court could allow them to not restore the land. They should have an escrow account for any land restoration. Also, the site is next to a wildlife refuge and hiking trail as well as the Sweetwater river. What will be the effect on animal and plant species and visitors in the refuge? What will this do to the water table and what about those with well water? Will their wells become contaminated? This mine is a terrible idea. The project must be stopped before it hurts innocent taxpaying residents."
- Barbara Moore
"Craziest development proposal I have every seen. Harmful in every way!"
- Peter Andersen
"The pollution of ground water, traffic noise, etc. in the middle of a residential area with an elementary school nearby is horrific. The county should consider buying the land for an East County park."
- Patricia Anderson
"I already have respiratory problems and don't need any more problems with breathing - so, I say HELL NO to this sand mine."
- Eugene Ruiz
"It makes no sense at all. The traffic, the noise, the pollution would totally change our community. Praying for common sense to prevail. No on the sand plant!"
- Susan Shaddox
"I would never support a sand mine in that area."
- Heidi Grett
"This is the same guy who started all the trouble with the Golf development in Escondido. We already have enough pollution and traffic as it is."
- Robert Smith
"Who and why would you vote for this proposal? That's absolutely crazy!"
- Maureen Burris
"How this can even be considered is unacceptable. We already have a mine on Wieghorst. It's a disaster. No on this sand mine!"
- Gail Bell
"I will write letters and get the word out to help fight this!"
- Teri Davies-Storm
"Do not destroy this beautiful residential community."
- Nawal Aleshaki
"Hope there is still time to stop this absurd project."
- Lois Fonseca
"Please do not allow this to happen; it will have a devastating effect on our roads, values of our homes, road safety, and will turn a quiet part of town into a loud area. We have lived here over 30 years and have seen many good changes evolve over the years. But this one will be bad, real bad for everyone who lives here. Please don't let this happen!"
- Debbie Andrew
"We moved here for the peace and quiet! Not to hear heavy trucks before sunrise and all day long. Not to mention this Sand Pit would be right next to an elementary school that our children go to. It is too dangerous and there will be many lawsuits. Best to prevent this area turning into a Sand Mine in people's backyard and within the quiet community of Rancho San Diego where the traffic, noise and pollution is not welcome!"
- Jane Girardot
"In addition to the myriad of other reasons why having a sand truck passing by every 2 minutes is a major nuisance, I want to know how this project plans to address the recent releases of massive amounts of water from Loveland Reservoir. I also ride a motorcycle to work and I don't think the roads will remain free of loose sand - this will be a road hazard for me, not to mention the elementary school ramifications."
- John Burgess
"What I and others propose reflects the true character of the best of East County - converting the land along Willow Glen to a wildlife preserve and possible trails would increase the value of existing homes for all residents; instead of creating a money making opportunity for just a few real estate agents and a developer, therefore reducing the monetary value, safety and enjoyment of everyone else's home. Pardon my asking, but what is the point in having zoning laws if people with money, ambition and greed are allowed to petition to have those zoning laws changed when they have what they think is a bright idea that will make them richer? Must the entire residential community spend their existence banding together to lobby the government against changes in zoning - year after year, after year - and if they stop for a breather to just enjoy their home in peace, some businessperson with bucks will swoop in and destroy their neighborhood? It's not fair. It's not right."
- Devorah Ann Fox, PsyD
"I am very concerned about the dangers to health and welfare of the people who will be affected by a Sand Mine. Therefore, I am very against the use of the Cottonwood Golf Club property for this purpose. Let the golf course remain!"
- Karolyn Malmin
"This land should be for lower income housing."
- Jack Smith
"This is horrible!"
- Leeanne Jolly
"No sand Mining!"
- Tina Shaw
"I will make calls, write letters, and show up at meetings - whatever is needed to make my voice and that of others heard."
- Jana Freeman
"We are opposed to the Sand Mine! There is a lot of traffic on Willow Glen and the community would go into a standstill with the traffic alone. It's not fair or right to plan this kind of industrial destruction in the middle of an established community, no matter how large or small!"
- Jenny Listug
"Stop this Sand Mine!"
- Janis Dean-Cecil
"Not needed - harmful to all that live nearby!"
- Mary Tillman
"I don't think this proposal has a chance of happening, but it needs to be stopped now with a stake driven through the heart of it, burned to ashes, and the ashes scattered all up and down the Sweetwater riverbed. It would be great if the part west of Steele Canyon, at least, were added to the Wildlife Refuge, and the east side of the golf course turned into a Nature Park, with interpretive walks and displays and museum charting the people and things that have lived in this area since forever. Maybe it could be allied, in some way, with the Water Conservation Garden to demonstrate natural processes for water conservation with meeting rooms, like the Mission Trails Visitor Center and connect it to the local hiking trails. Who knows - there may be infrastructure funds available for such a project. And maybe the Golf Course can remain on the east side and partner with conservation groups to keep the property a valued part of the community."
- Gregg Rosner
"Put us down as NO for mine supporters!"
- Karen Lakota & Bernard Urlaub
"I am teamed with the San Diego Audubon Society in their 2021 Summer Advocacy Program. Our topic of choice is Bird Habitats and Populations, and along with the San Diego River Partners, we think that transforming the retired golf course in Cottonwood into a habitat for birds would help revive endangered species such as the Least Bell's Vireo. We applaud your efforts to stop the construction of a sand mine in this beautiful area of San Diego."
- Piper Ceriani
"I'm against this happening! It's such a beautiful area. We already have a quarry on Jamacha. We don't need more big trucks on our city roads!"
- Sheryl Zimmerman
"I would love to stop this!"
- Pamela Johnson
"With you!"
- Karen Lee
"STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- John Davis
"This proposed sand mine is a danger to the community. This shall not be a consideration for the health of our future!"
- Sterling Hoffmann
"We need the riverbed and vegetation to proved for this wildlife corridor. Digging up the sand will affect the river and everything else as it flows to the sea. Traffic is already horrendous on Willow Glen and putting more heavy trucks hauling sand will further ruin the road, not to mention what the noise and dust would be like."
- Stephen & Kay Brownellor-Bickley
"Don't destroy our beautiful east county! I was born and raised here. This would be such a tragedy!
- Kate Evans
"Stop this project for the health of our children and the elderly. We need to build parks not mines in the middle of a residential area. Let us prove that we can stand against rich people who do not care for the community and will destroy nature just to increase their wealth."
- Eddie Bota
"Don't do it !!!"
- Julee Purkey
"STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Howard Whitfield
"This would be a major disaster to the community. This would impact traffic but most importantly Jamacha Elementary and the surrounding residences. Please STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Laura Morales
"Although I have moved from the immediate area, I continue to work at Jamacha Elementary School. I intend to be active in fighting against the sand mine project!"
- Eileen Dean
"This sand mine will affect all neighborhoods surrounding the area. We already have the quarry on Willow Glen which has negatively affected us all. The traffic is bad enough - not to mention the dangerous effects to the environment and wildlife."
- Edie Thomas
"I strongly oppose having the Cottonwood Golf Club turned into a sand mine. This would not only destroy the beauty but would cause health issues with all the particles of dust floating in the air."
- Catherine McKenna-Richell
"Stop Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Norma Fernandez
"This green space must be protected!"
- Andrea Bonner
"Stop the sand mine proposal."
- Joshua Yerk
"I have been a resident in the Pasatiempo neighborhood for over 12 years and I am against the production of a sand mine in the Cottonwood Golf Course."
- Marlena Kanouno
"Seems we have an American rendition song that is appropriate for this. Digging up cheap sand for profit, leaves its downside. America the beautiful - from the mountains to the ocean......"
- Barry Treahy
- Nick Rosenberg
"I am firmly against this sand mine!"
- Paulina Kahia
"Health issues, cancer, respiratory issues, lung disease, asthma, dust, air quality, water pollution - a sand mine affecting these things would not be goof for me or my family."
- Bushra Tominna
"We are most concerned about the impact a sand mine would have to the environment, the the health of those that live near the project, the destruction it would do to Willow Glen Drive, and how it would destroy the beauty of this area. Clearly, this proposal is based on financial gain and has no concern about the negative consequences to the community."
- Bob & Eileen Leonard
"As a resident of the area and very close to the golf course, I do not want the health and beauty of our community compromised by this sand mine. Most importantly, our children are our future, and we want them and the rest of us to have a future of good health and happiness. This mine will impact the purity of our water, and with climate change and drought, this development is unconscionable, on so many levels."
- Wendy Zehm
"I live near this proposed project and I just want my voice to be heard. I don't want to change that beautiful golf course into a sand factory that will destroy everything - from the air pollution to traffic. Please, we don't need this sand mine here!"
- Rayan Shamoun
"As a resident in this community, I am against building a sand mine. Stop. Stop. Stop."
- Zina Gorgees
"Stop sand mining in Cottonwood!"
- Linda Jurhs
"I would like to join the effort to Stop Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Sarah Burmeister
"I would like to stop the Cottonwood sand mine."
- Lori Loiselle
"I strongly oppose converting Cottonwood into a sand mine."
- Tim Cajka
"Thanks for all your effort on this disastrous sand mine proposal."
- Bob & Eileen Leonard
"Stop this mine!"
- Brad Lenz
"I am strongly opposed to this dangerous project that would put the hundreds of cyclists who bike Willow Glen and Dehesa weekly at serious risk of injury from the large gravel trucks that would work the area."
- James White
"STOP Cottonwood Sand MIne!"
- Steve & Donna Havkney
- Ivan Saliman
"Hope this gets shut down!"
- Rick Marrs
"Stop the mining! There is already too much traffic down Willow Glen because of big trucks."
- Rhonda Lowry
"No to Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Helen Louis
"Too many dam trucks on Willow Glen Road from the Robertson Rock Quarry as it is. This project will destroy the little quality of left for us who live and drive on Willow Glen Road."
- Jose Guzman
"I oppose the conversion of Cottonwood into a Sand Mine in Rancho San Diego."
- Patricia Armenta
"This area is surrounded on all sides by residences. Do you realize how much water will be required for dust control and air quality alone? People first! This is not the proper place for an industrial project - period. It is a threat to our area in every regard."
- Jneun
"Our entire family's health is going to be put at risk with all the excess dust and pollution from the digging. Property values are all going to go down. We do not want a sand mine anywhere near our home or children's schools."
- Christian Albut
"Please do not put a sand mine near our residence. It is bad for our health. The noise and pollution levels are going to skyrocket!"
- Lidiette Worobey
"I am against this endeavor!"
- Molly Treadwell
"A sand mine operation in the middle of a growing residential neighborhood makes no sense whatever. Such an operation is not conducive to quiet enjoyment of area residents nor does it offer any definitive community benefit. What it will do is diminish the character that was the purpose in the initial creation of this valley. Over the past years many homes have been built here along with new schools, library, senior citizen facilities, fire stations, and most recently, a new Sheriff's station. What possible community advantage can be gained by the addition of a mining operation? I believe the property now being considered by the Board of Supervisors to be used as a sand mine, can be used for a much be"tter purpose consistent with the residential character now in place."
- James Ghazil
"I am against the proposed sand mine. Living anywhere near a quarry or sand mine is dangerous! I believe my health has suffered working at an office between quarries."
- Dana Casemier
"I support stopping the Cottonwood Sand Mine. I own a house in the areas. This project is going to affect the lives of so many people!"
-Marco Perez
"This is a terrible project!"
- John DeLaurentis
"This Will be devastating to this area and surely to the Wildlife Preserve."
- David Hahn
"It would be a complete travesty and an assault to the neighborhoods and a great danger to our children to allow this horrendous situation to take place. How can our 'Leaders' even consider this ugly situation as feasible?"
- Daniel Floyd
"When I first heard about this I had an idea. I have traveled to NYC many times and there is a beautiful park, Bryant Park. It is a privately owned park. Has anyone ever thought about finding someone who would be interested in buying the property and making it a park? They could have food concessions, etc. It is such a beautiful area. Just an idea I wanted to share."
- Linda Hill
"Stop the project to protect the environment and community."
- Hilal Tooi
"I am opposed to Cottonwood Golf Course Sand Mining!"
- Dean Butterfield
"Please don't ruin our community with this sand mine!"
- Alex Cortes
"This sand mine proposal is the most atrocious use of our County and city land I have ever seen. Build this in the desert where no people live. Our County prides itself on our beautiful land with minimal toxic waste compared to other cities. Let's continue to be an example of healthy living, not toxic cancer causing environmental disasters waiting to happen."
- Stephanie Young
"I am opposed to the Rancho sand mine. Do not allow it!"
- Jennifer Wilson
"Stop Cottonwood sand mine!"
- Vivian Ham
"I live in the Dehesa Valley so I drive Willow Glen Drive daily. Thank you for keeping area residents informed on the sand mine."
- Rick Tibbitts
"I am in support of stopping this project!"
- Julie Perez
"I am willing to support this effort to not allow this sand mine!"
- Claudia Ayala
"My family and I oppose this sand mine in our community!"
- Andrea Duran Aydogan
"Let me know how I can help stop this!"
- Rochelle Hancock
"Thank you for organizing us!"
- Jan McBride
"I'm a concerned resident of Steele Canyon and would like to assist in opposing this sand mine project."
- Andy Brikho
"All our open spaces need protection. River beds and mountain areas are the only places that wildlife have left."
- Pam Nelson
"Totally opposed!!"
- David Buller
"This would be a very terrible thing to happen in our community."
- Basil Zetouna
"Don't let them do it!"
Dany Al Isso
"I oppose the building of sand mines in Cottonwood Golf Club."
- Angie Gonzalez
"This project must be stopped!"
- Louie Maroki
"I reject this sand mine."
- Valerie Ross
"Keep the golf club and stop the sand mine."
- Mary Cavadias
"Sand mining at Cottonwood Golf Club would be a DISASTER! I already struggle with asthma now."
- Kathryn Clayton
"I am in support of stopping the sand mine!"
- Brandy
"I am standing against any sand mine proposals such as this Cottonwood project in or near established communities. It is too disruptive by causing unnecessary noise, dust and traffic - not to mention that it would bring down property values by distorting the beauty of the environment surrounding the community. I also believe the increase of heavy trucks moving in and out several times a day will not only be noisy and potentially dangerous, but that the damage to surrounding streets could be disastrous. Please do not allow this project to go forward."
- Barbara Hughes
"Please keep me informed as to how we can stop this."
- Jim Sleight
"Having a sand mine at Cottonwood in Jamul would be detrimental to our community. The developers should choose an area that is many, many miles away from people, animals and waterways."
- Julia Dent
"Donated.... this has to be stopped!"
- Jeannette Poling
"I live on the ridge right above the Cottonwood Golf Club, I have restrictive lung disease and I share the same concern about the effect a sand mine would have on air quality and respiratory health. I am also concerned about the impact on noise levels, roads, traffic, environment, and ground water. There are so many issues that highlight why this should not be built within an established community!"
- Bonnie Cordova
"We support stopping this sand mine!"
- K&K Hayes
"There will be too many bad health issues for our community if this sand mine is built. Plus, the truck traffic and fire danger will be difficult when evacuations take place."
- Tricia Stewart
"Approval of this sand mine would be the worst thing that could happen to this beautiful community. We say NO to the proposed sand mine in the middle of Rancho San Diego - keep the open space!
- Daniel & Vivian Lardizabal
"No Sand Mine!"
- Steve Purkey
"Please stop it!"
- Amar Ghazala
"I am against the development of a sand mine here!"
- Christian Soza
"I oppose turning RSD into a sand mine!"
- Sandra Crockett
"We want to help stop the Cottonwood sand mine!"
- Nancy Tsakonas
"Opposing approval of this sand mine."
- Tim Duren
"No sand mine! Thank you for your work on this."
- Chuck Oakey
"Stop the sand mine!"
- Thomas & Carole Ann West
"The proposed Cottonwood sand mine would destroy our entire community. There are several mines around here and we are already being negatively affected by those. There are a lot of more rural places they could get their sand instead of in the middle of a very quiet, residential, well-planned, beautiful, tight-knit family community!
- James McNally
"I am strongly opposed to the Cottonwood sand mine project."
- Vahe Adamian
"The proposed sand mine project on the former Cottonwood Golf Club property is completely inappropriate for this neighborhood. Consistent westerly flowing breezes most days of the year would blow right on top of the Jamul elementary school and most of the residences in the area. This sort of project needs to be somewhere that people are rare, and not in an area with a large population."
- Robert Nuttman
"As a homeowner near the proposed sand mine, I am 100% opposed to this horrible idea."
- Jamie Coleman
"I am opposed to this - don't let it happen!"
- Willia Worthem
"I want to help stop the mining!"
- Vu nguyen
"we are concerned and opposed to the sand mine and feel it will greatly impact the quality of life in our area."
- Rominey Jacobs
"I firmly oppose this project!"
- Nancy Porter
"We are very much against turning Cottonwood golf course into a Sand Mine. How would that help to save our earth?"
- nitaz1
"I have problems with my lungs and the micro dust that the mine would put into the air would affect me and others with breathing problems."
- Eugene Ruiz
"This is a continued waste of natural resources. When will we learn to stop destroying our natural resources for profits? Money hungry business owners - never. That's why the community needs to stand together to fight these things. Imagine the true possibilities for this land. Recreating it into a highly valuable restored ecosystem that allows the thousands of surrounding homes to enjoy nature. Something COVID-19 has shown is that people want more of it. Stop the sand mine - let's restore this land for the many social and ecosystem benefits!"
- Jacob Dioli
"Thank you for the work that is doing. I will show support by messaging and going to publicv meetings."
- Miriam Hunt
"We live in the Pasa Tiempo community and are 100% in support of keeping that sand mine away!!!"
- Sarah Robertson
"This sand mine proposal is a travesty - a noisy, dangerous, environment wrecking, traffic choking boondoggle - in the middle of a residential community. We must STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine now!"
- Joe Duncan
"I am with you to help fight this disaster for our area!"
- Lynn Howard
"The Coyle family supports the Stop Cottonwood Sand Mine team!"
- Greg Coyle
"I am a concerned community member who will share with as many people as possible to oppose this project. This is ridiculous and irresponsible. So many people and places would be affected - the Developer has no right to do this."
- Amanda Van Zetten
"Stop sand mine activity at Cottonwood golf course!"
- Robert Kasak
"We have two quarry's already - 1720 Jamacha Road and 2094 Willow Glen Road - one west and one east. We get dust no matter what direction the wind blows. To put a third one just to the south of the other two is NOT a good idea!"
- Scott Blaisdell
"A sand mine in the middle of a beautiful community like Rancho San Diego would be such a poor decision if approved. It would ruin people's way of life out here. Why would anyone want added traffic, noise, and lower air quality? Not to mention what an eyesore it would be. No way should the County approve such an atrocious project like this one!"
- Terry Roberts
"STOP the Cottonwood sand mine!"
- Basil Younan
"I oppose this sand mine!"
- Ray Makani
"I am a grandma who loves to take her grandchildren for a walk in this nice and quiet neighborhood and I refuse to lose this privilege. I love my house so help me stay in it."
- Sarya Younis
"I can't imagine how anyone can approve this project in such a peaceful and lovely neighborhood. We, as a family, reject to face all the risks and disturbances from this sand mine. This project can be done in a non residential area that is not surrounded by lovely houses."
- Akeel Younis
"Stop the proposed Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Safa Koryal
"Highly opposed to this project as it will ruin this beautiful family neighborhood."
- Tariq Younis
"Stop the mining project in this beautiful area!"
- Noor Firas Fadhil
"We do not want trucks constantly moving in and out of an area next to our elementary school or in our only road to town. The noise will be too much for these quiet family neighborhoods. This will be especially horrible for the homes that look directly on the the golf club property - they would look directly into a giant sand pit in their backyards. Either turn the property back into a golf course or make the land into a sanctuary for the wild animals and birds that live there."
- Jane Girardot
"Stop planning to destroy our communities! Establishing mines in the middle of the population centers is targeting the lives of the people living in this place and its outskirts. We must all reject such projects now and in the future so that we stop anyone thinking of investing in harming humans and the environment, under any justification."
- m_e_goria
"My family opposes the Cottonwood Golf Club turning into a sand mine in the middle of our beautiful residential community in Rancho San Diego."
- Nelson Campbell
"I would like to show my support to stop this project and save our community!"
- Mohammed Alnasser
"My house of 4 supports stopping this sand mine!"
- Bryan McCarthy
"I live by the rock crushing quarry on Jamacha. It is extremely noisy and dusty and the cement trucks and open trailers create a traffic nightmare. The last thing this area needs is another facility like that - especially near an elementary school!"
- Todd
"No more mining! We already have 3 in the area. Our infrastructure cannot handle the traffic and our property values will surely drop!"
- Mike & Kathy Hebert
"We don't need any more big trucks destroying our roads and community."
- Irving Beeman
"Rancho San Diego is a planned community with protected natural beauty. The damage caused by the proposed sand mine will impact our area negatively and poses an immeasurable threat to our community on many levels. This will not be in the best interest of residents. Please DO NOT PERMIT THIS TO PROCEED!"
- Myla Fields
"We definitely reject this project!"
- Sarya Younis
"How sad. A sand mine is so destructive to the environment and to the humans - and, the only beneficiaries will be those who make money."
- Carol Garonzik Wells
"The sand mining project needs to be stopped."
- Linda Jurhs
"Not in favor of a sand mine! There are at least two gravel/sand mines nearby (Robertson's and Superior); there is NO need for a third one in our area. The streets around Cottonwood will not be able to handle the increased traffic. Check out the Jamul Casino increased accident rates!"
- Jody Dunn
"Utterly Inadequate EIR Report! I believe the Draft Environmental Impact Report omits six very important significant impacts: 1. The financial impact, in terms of property values of the neighboring communities; 2. The health impact, both physical and mental, of the neighboring residents; 3. Traffic congestion, road damages caused by the project; 5. Impacts to the commerce center of Rancho San Diego; and, 6. The longer term impacts as El Cajon becomes a more densely populated area."
- Li Gao
"We received notification of the environmental impact of this project and are quite concerned and want to oppose it!"
- Timothy Whitfield Jr.
"We are willing to do what we can to help stop this terrible proposal!"
- Nicholas & Mary Paul
"Let me know what I can do to help stop this project."
- Janet Shelton
"I can't think of a more destructive thing to occur to our neighborhood. Chronic noise, huge trucks, dust (and disease, AND the destruction of this riverbed area 5 days a week, 7am to 5pm for 10-12 years!!! You must be kidding. Completely appalling disrespect for citizens who live nearby and those who recreate in these areas. The developer should do this in THEIR neighborhood instead since they think this is such a great idea."
- Christine Wilson
"This project is not what the County is saying it will be. This project will affect the surrounding neighborhoods with noise and pollution. The land should be turned into a nature preserve in order to keep the beauty of the area. The ecological damage will be immense and will never be the same."
- Errol G. Cooper
"We have such little habitat left for our birds. And we need more open space for our citizens. A ten year mining operation is not what San Diego County needs in such an important riparian habitat."
- Michael Golden
"It's a horrible idea, putting a sand mine in a residential area near several schools, homes and businesses all around it. The trucks will impede travel to and from schools. The air quality will be terrible for the residents and students in the adjacent areas. School children jogging that area daily for gym class and track team training. Property values for all the area homes will be devalued. There is no place for a sand mine in Rancho San Diego!"
- Eleanor Boracci
"I support Stopping the Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Sam Attisha
"I am concerned about the potential impacts will be to our area in terms of: 1) Traffic with trucks coming in and out; this destroys the roads as can be seen with the existing mining operation on Willow Glen Drive; as it is, there are plenty of trucks coming in and out already on WGD, 2) Pollution in the form of dust; with the two other mining operations in the area, has this cumulative impact been assessed, 3) Noise. The mining operation near Jamacha Road is already quite noisy, and 4) Do we, the neighbors have a real say about whether this project will be approved or not?"
- Manuel Posadas
"We are in support of's efforts to stop this sand mine. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf!"
- Kornelia Kopec
"I cannot imagine a neighborhood where, on top of everything that COVID-19 has thrown our way, has to be concerned about the very air we breathe so that my 2-year old daughter does not get cancer or develop asthma. I don't know what kind of calloused, greedy, selfish mind would dream up such a plan - I oppose this whole-heartedly. Shame on the land owner for even considering it, knowing that children will suffer the consequences for their personal enrichment!! But, that is what you get when money is your God."
- Dean Soule
"I am definitely not in favor of this project which will destroy that beautiful property and will adversely impact all the surrounding communities."
- Phil Vinci
"No Sand Mine!"
- Heather Bell
"I am requesting the immediate halt to this project! The environmental repercussions to the health of the community is too great."
- Carolyn Fowler
"Please can we all show support for an end to the Cottonwood Sand Mine? Homeowner's beautiful views will be obstructed and we will only hear machinery all day."
- Heather Daniels
"I'd like to help stop sand mining from coming to our area!"
- Brenda Sako
"What a horrible plan for this area!"
- Dona Mapston
"I think it would be a disgrace to our beautiful city to place this in the middle of some of the most lush and green areas in south San Diego. We are a city that prides itself on our protection of the environment and this seems to go completely against it. I will not support this measure at all and I hope that no citizen of San Diego does."
- Diego Gomez-Ceballos
"I live on Wind River Road overlooking Cottonwood Golf Course and am very concerned about this potential sand mining project."
- Bruce Ellis
"We oppose the sand mine for the following reasons: Home value will decrease; dust/dirt/air quality; current area is a nature preserve and that would be destroyed; it will be an eye sore; and big, heavy trucks will be traveling on an already busy road."
- Courtney Fenton
"We are not for this sand mine!"
- Christopher Attisha
"We support stopping this project and will write a letter to the Valle de Oro Community Planning Group, cc'ing the letter to the Planning Department and each Board of Supervisor. We plan to attend the meetings also!"
- Mark & Sandi Steers
"STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Hamza Almalah
"Please do not put another sand mine in the middle of our neighborhood, creating more pollution, traffic and any eye sore. Stop the greed and care about the communities."
- Brad Maxfield
"Please, no sand mine in this beautiful area."
- Jeff Jones
"We live in Jamul on Jamul Drive, just a few miles from this area. Me and my son both have asthma and this sand mine would cause major health issues. Please help us stop this project!"
- Sara Vega-Rojas
"I am against this project!"
- William Menzie
"STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine! Don't destroy our wonderful neighborhood and harm our families. If a sand mine goes in, there will be so many families filing a lawsuit."
- Kimberly Albut
"This will be detrimental to all Rancho San Diego neighborhoods!"
- Sandy Warwick
"The edge of Jamul and Rancho San Diego is a beautiful gem tucked in San Diego's eastern communities where I reside. They boast beautiful natural preserves, trees, and hills extending beyond measure. It is truly a beautiful sight and a beautiful place to live - but, a Sand Mine will be anything but beautiful. It does NOT bring any value to our community. It brings with it only negative impacts to our current community. We will have an increase in environmental pollutants, an eyesore for residents and visitors, decreased property value for all those nearby, and increased traffic. The 94 has one lane each direction and that won't be changing in any time soon. With the large amount of sand trucks involved with this project, traffic will be horrible. No one I know is in support of this sand mine. It does not belong in this community."
- Lisa Fann
"I am a homeowner in Jamul and my household opposes the Cottonwood Sand Mine project for many reasons. These include: the environmental impact, pollution, congestion, noise, and adverse impact on aesthetics. The project would do irreparable harm to the area and would adversely impact property values as well."
- Kurt Womack
"STOP the Cottonwood Sand Mine! This will cause homes to depreciate in value. Schools won't be able to enjoy recess with high winds blowing sand in the area. This will increase health problems for those, including myself, who have asthma."
- Jocelyn Rivera
"Take this idea to the desert!"
- Anne-Marie Roach
"I live extremely close to this site. This cannot come to fruition or our quality of life will be forever changed."
- Lynn Ann Garrett
"As a staff member of the Water Conservation Garden, I support stopping this environmental disaster. the Garden also supports it!"
- Lauren Magnuson
"I write from Hawaii. We are getting ready to move to our new home in Rancho San Diego in just a few weeks. I strongly oppose this project and want to help."
- Amanda Jarvis
"Please do not build this sand mine!"
- Leilani Mendoza
"This is a terrible idea for the communities surrounding this area. It will constantly impact the quality of our daily life."
- Whitney Jones McDonald
"I live on Willow Glen and would appreciate STOPPING this sand mine!"
- Abigail Garcia
"I would like to help in the effort to stop the sand mine from disrupting our community."
- Natalie Barrantes
"I am voicing my opposition to the Cottonwood Sand Mining Project!"
- Gina
"I oppose the Cottonwood Sand Mine. It will create pollution, traffic, and too much noise in the surrounding residential area."
- Bill Mansy
"We join in opposing this venture."
- Judy Swartwood
"To protect my family's health, I oppose this project!"
- Hadir Helo
"We oppose the sand mine and the adverse health issues it will create as well as the traffic and noise that will impact our community."
- Candice Lenney
"We are against this project!"
- Judith Quint
"We support stopping this sand mine."
- Pirouz Pourhashemi
"NO on sand mining!"
- Sue Regan
"We are opposed to this development."
- Greg Quint
"This will be an environmental disaster!"
- Mary Wylie
"Stop the Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Anne Shaffer
"We are now included in Board of Supervisor Nathan Fletcher's district. Regardless of political leanings, his politics and policies align nicely with our goal of stopping this sand mine. I suggest everyone emailing him with their comments regarding this project."
- Stephanie Young
"I've learned about this plan and it's terrible! We have a yard sign up to raise awareness."
- Lyndsay West
"Please stop this project. It will be a disaster to our beautiful and quiet neighborhood."
- Elaf Alwazeer
"Don't ruin the area and keep the sand mine out!"
- Rick Urban
"There are already two open pit mining sites within 2 miles of this proposed site - on Willow Glen and Jamacha. A third mining operation is an excessive load on community exposure on many levels. I'm especially concerned about air quality values of silica and particulates which are already under questionable control from the current sites. Why does our community have to be the mining town for San Diego County?"
- Anne Baptiste
"I don't support this!"
- Mike Sitto
"This project should not be approved because of the harm it will cause to the environment and the public's health."
- Cristina Calzo
"Stop this Sand Mine!"
- Susan Neumayer
"This project needs to stop!"
- Maan Kyeso
"This sand mine makes no sense in this locale. The draft environmental impact report is woefully inadequate in addressing its negative impact on the community."
- Dale Parent
"This needs to stop!"
- P. Serino
"This is an inconsistent use - a mining operation in an established community. The biological, cultural, and health effects are detrimental and significant."
- Theresa Foster
"We live nearby and are strongly against this mining operation."
- Russell
"Don't ruin our neighborhood with noise and traffic. Why is everything always dumped in East County? I say NO to the sand mine!"
- Karen Beck
"This sand mine MUST BE STOPPED for the sake of the community."
- Lori Hable
"Mining should never be done where people live. Sand (silicate) is some of the most abundant resource on the planet. This is a bad deal with long term damages for the ecosystem and resident's health. Get the sand elsewhere!"
- Terry
"Traffic/large trucks, noise, reduction in home value, already congested area, pollution - we already have noise from two quarries (one on Willow Glen and one on Jamacha). This area is very populated with young families and schools. We cannot destroy the Sweetwater riverbed!"
- Joan Hutton
"I've already sent an email to the County's Planning Director opposing the project. Will be coordinating an email opposition response to the County by the Grove Road residents."
- Tom Clark
"Stop the destruction and rape of open spaces."
- Deborah Butterfield
"Thank you for helping to keep our community safe and beautiful!"
- Kalodiah Toma
"Don't ruin the area by digging up all the sand."
- Rick Case
"We need to stop this! I have lived in Jamul my entire life and this will NOT benefit our community!"
- Rita Rabban
"We do not want this happening in our community."
- Jennifer Vahle
"Stop the sand mine!"
- Fawaz George
"We purchased our home in Pasatiempo in August 2020 because it is a quiet, safe and conveniently located neighborhood in East County. When our son was born in December of that year, we were reassured that this would be a wonderful community in which to raise our son. The terrible prospect of the mining operation would force us to revisit our plan to call this area our forever home. I know I am not alone, our neighbors are concerned and have often discussed where we would move if the mining operation was permitted to occur. I STRONGLY oppose the prospect of mining that beautiful piece of land and urge all who pay taxes in this area to do the same!"
- Aria Allos
"I do not support the Cottonwood Sand Mining project. It will create excess pollution and traffic jams that will impact the population nearby permanently."
- Lars Allos
"We are against the sand mine in our community!"
- Vicky Rosenberg
"We are opposed to creating a large industrial enterprise such as this in such a quiet and beautiful residential area. As residents of Jamul and Rancho San Diego, this already challenged traffic area would be critically negatively be impacted. Rush hours and Sycuan casino already stress these roads which were not made for such an expansion of such traffic and noise pollution. Absolutely NO to this project!"
- Eileen Araiza
"We don't want more traffic in Rancho San Diego, especially with big rig trucks and flying rocks/sand."
- Ricardo Hernandez
"No need to place industry right in the middle of a community. Open space is important to the welfare of the community."
- Richard Roberts
"What safe route will there be for students to walk from the north side of Willow Glen to Jamacha Elementary? With the added traffic of large hauling trucks, I don't think crossing that street will be safe any longer for the elementary-age school children. Also, has the San Miguel Fire District and the Cajon Valley School District given their opinion about this project? I suspect that neither would be in support."
- Lee Holter
"Upstream conditions affect riparian habitats. This sand mine will have a negative impact on the riparian environment rehabilitated by The Sweetwater Project (Sweetwater Reservoir Wetlands Habitat Recovery Project: Final Study 2014). If we could add this property as part of the National Wildlife Preserve, we could have a long protected area surrounding the Sweetwater Reservoir."
- Anne Stahl
"We oppose this sand mine!"
- Robyn Gilmore
"Stop the sand mine!"
- Patricia Matta
"Stop Cottonwood sand mine!"
- Zinah Matbachi
"How would this sand mine directly benefit the surrounding neighborhoods?"
- Tim Mitchell
"This project would be a disaster for the environment, for our health, and for the community."
- Bonnie Duncan
"I have a child and a parent with health issues; this will really affect our family. Please consider non-approval of this project for their sake!"
- Anmar Alsaffar
"Please count my voice as well as my wife's voice in saying that we fell this is a BAD idea and must be stopped."
- Sean McHugh
"We ask you to vote NO on this project!"
- Jeremiah Shultz
"It is unsafe and unhealthy to allow this project where there are a lot of children and elderly people nearby who have health problems such as allergies. Noise and traffic will also be very bad when everyone is going to school or work in the morning and afternoon."
- botabetula
"This will devalue our properties significantly, create an eyesore, and add untenable noise pollution in our residential neighborhood."
- Dan Ursenbach
"We are against the proposal to establish a sand mine project at Cottonwood Golf Club."
- Tony Casarrubia
"NO to Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Michelle Granados
"Please stop the Cottonwood sand mine; we do not need that in our community."
- Tom Kunac
"My family and I live on Jamul Drive and are very much opposed to the sand mine proposal. There are already enough gravel trucks coming and going from Robertson's - we don't need to add to that. I am also highly concerned about the environmental impacts of the project as well as what it will do to the beauty of the area."
- Katy de Oliveira
"I am concerned about health and environmental impacts of this project and would like to have this project stopped. This is not a healthy project for the residents of Rancho San Diego."
- Inna Bowler
"Aside from all the other negative effects this project will have on the community, think of the negative environmental effect!!"
- Lily Charry
"I can't believe this is being considered. This is an established community we're talking about. There are homes, schools, parks, etc. This would be an absolute environmental disaster. The citizens of Rancho San Diego will have their health in danger."
- Neil
"I'm concerned about the environmental impact, both from the mining and from the increased truck traffic. That landscape is a beautiful resource to our whole community and should be preserved!"
- Miri Hutcherson
"Keep our local golf course open! It's been here for over 40 years!"
- Justin Smith
"I support the opposition to the Cottonwood Sand Mining project."
- Anita Reith
"Stop this sand mine in Rancho San Diego!"
- Yousif Bibo
"I oppose the mining project and want to help!"
- Alexi Olney
"We are against sand mining at Cottonwood Golf Course."
- Patricia Taylor
"No Mine! Save Cottonwood!!"
- Drew Strampfer
"Save Cottonwood Golf Course!"
- Chris Ogilvy
"Let's stop this unbelievably bad project that will forever impact life in Rancho San Diego and Jamul."
- Paul Dombkowski
"We do NOT support the sand mine project!"
- Jannelle Ludlow
"We appreciate the help of a legal team to help fight this."
- Rene' & Lauren Beauchamp
"We can stop this! We should pressure the Valle de Oro Community Planning Group to form a subcommittee to look into acquiring Cottonwood Golf Course. We want the area turned into a recreational park since we have few parks in the area. Also, San Diego County needs places to offset development, per its climate action plan. People should call Nathan Fletcher's office and have them acquire the property with eminent domain. Imagine a beautiful park with hiking, roller skating, picnic tables, a small community center for local meetings, bridge clubs, exercise, tennis/pickleball courts, and bike paths. It would be a safe place to recreate."
- Jennifer Bergovoy
"This project is an environmental disaster taking place in the middle of a rural residential community. The developer's draft EIR is completely inadequate and simply tries to dismiss very real concerns about noise, traffic, air pollution, and water pollution. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors must not approve this monstrosity."
- Joseph Duncan
"Traffic on Campo Road is already horrible! This sand mine would make it impossible!"
- Brian Lester
"I live less than a quarter mile from the Cottonwood Golf Course and my son attend Jamacha elementary school. Both my son and I have allergic sinusitis mostly from dust. Please stop this project for the safety of our children and our community."
- Lubna Hermez
"My wife and I ride bikes on Willow Glen Drive by Cottonwood Golf Course frequently. The road is narrow for the amount of traffic and the existing trucking operation near the shooting range. The truck drivers are often discourteous and their mirrors are inches from the bike lane, in violation of state law. We do not need more trucks on Willow Glen Drive, not to mention the environmental disaster this project would spell for this pristine valley."
- John McCormick
"Thanks for all you are doing!"
- Karen Flowers
"We love our place in Rancho San Diego as it is, especially the parks, trees, and gardens. We don't need damage to our streets and to nature."
- Zahir Toma
"As the former Air Pollution Control Officer (i.e. the agency's executive officer) of the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (2008 to 2020), and with more than 39 years of air pollution experience with extensive experience mitigating public nuisances, I am vehemently opposed to the proposed sand mine project. This is because its deleterious impacts on air quality and human health cannot be avoided. I have personally visited the location and toured the site and know for a fact that the area and its residents and businesses will be irreparably harmed if it is allowed to become the home of a sand mine."
- Robert Kard
"Stop this project now!"
- Linda Jurhs
"How can any government entity approve such a project that will adversely affect many and benefit so few?! This project is not the best use of this land and hurts good hard working tax paying citizens. Stop this nonsense."
- Tim Brodowski
"Having another sand mine in this bucolic area is a complete travesty. Our real estate values will lessen and tax revenue from those values will mean much less income for the schools, fire, police force, etc."
- Daniel Floyd
"Please DO NOT allow the Cottonwood Sand Mine Project to pass! Vote against this proposal. Let's face it, the only person to profit from this awful project is the Greg Brown Group. They have no ties to the community other than to make a profit for themselves. As has been voiced by others, the traffic, truck pollution, mining pollution, destruction of habitat, ecological destruction, pathogens from digging, and more would have a detrimental effect on the land, humans and animals. This is not a good program whatsoever! Property values would plummet. This is a beautiful area, enjoyed by thousands of tax payers who have chosen to live here free from such an outrageously proposed and detrimental concept. There is NO need for this project! Vote NO!"
- John R. Marsh
"Keep this area beautiful. No sand mining!"
- Bill & Cheyanne Frost
"I was born and raised here for 58 years. I ride the mountain bike trails and fish at the Sweetwater reservoir. The negative impacts from such Sand Mine operation will cause catastrophic health issues for everyone in Rancho San Diego. Walking my dogs and hiking the trails would end completely. Stop this insanity and do not let this ever happen in our clean community. STOP Cottonwood Sand Mine!
- Chris Hollingsworth
"We don't want this! It is not a good thing for our community."
- Joe Tropp
"This area is a beautiful wildlife habitat and an area used for public recreation. We don't need to lose another area that should be saved for people and wildlife."
- Yvonne Merrill
"We are not in favor of the Cottonwood Mining Project. It is an aggregate grab with no benefit to the community. I would like it if the reclamation resulted in more open/recreational space for the community but that is not what is proposed."
- Jim Minnick
"Stop this mine. We don't want it in our neighborhood."
- David Reed
"I want the County to decline this property owner his request to begin a sand mine in my community. We are already running short on natural resources and we don't need further polluted ones and this sand mine will cause that. In addition, I don't need my property value going down any time soon. It's a scientific fact that massive amounts of dust will be created, therefore disease will be created. Children and community homeowners will be at risk and lawsuits will follow. This project is obviously doomed and will wreak havoc on this community. It is a lose lose situation. Please use common sense and decline this project in it's entirety."
- Mary Lou Garcia
"The immediate and long-term impact to the safety of local residents and their visitors, the negative impact to the air quality for all people, the decrease to the value of homes and local businesses, the permanent damage to the environment and ecology - are all unacceptable! How could this project ever be permitted so close to an elementary school?"
- Jason Martinez
"I have lived in Rancho San Diego for years. This sand mine will negatively impact our schools and the traffic. I'm in support to stop the sand mine!"
- Janice Jaboro
"Sand mining ruins the environment, it pollutes the air, and the truck will destroy the roads. This is what happened near where I grew up."
- Kathleen Odom
"Stop this project! This is all about money; no one is thinking about the residents and how this will affect them."
- Amar Ghazala
"This will affect property values, the traffic, and destroy wildlife. I say five votes for NO SAND MINE at Cottonwood!"
- Erika McClees
" I do NOT see any positive benefits from this sand mining location. There are other mining businesses nearby that can cover what this sand mining company wants to do. The loss of wildlife would be horrendous."
- Jody Dunn
"We must stop this project from occurring! We must consider the environment, the roads we drive, the air we breath, houses all around the site, the wildlife, and the water that flows through this area. This sand mine will destroy life. It must stop!"
- Sallie Brown
"We are opposed to this sand mine. This is a residential area. Willow Glen is already impacted by the trucks coming to and from Hester's quarry just down the road. The dust and pollution generated by this sand mine will be unacceptable. This land grab MUST be stopped!"
- Bill & Mary Difley
"Stop this mine. We don't want it in our neighborhood."
- David Reed
"There are few roads in and out of Jamul. The increased traffic with this project would make it even more unsafe."
- mumsiealso
"I am very concerned about the crisis to our environment. I am also concerned about a lot of trucks going in and out of my neighborhood."
- Donna Swinehart
"Mining sand in this area will decrease area property values, create environmental hazards, jeopardize kids and adults with asthma and other breating issues at Jamacha Elementary School and area homes. In addition, mining in this area will close businesses and create increased traffic. Stop this mine!"
- Michael Falcone
"If a sand mine is built, there will be giant trucks everywhere dropping rocks and it will destroy the beautiful view."
- Isaac Bahri
"Thanks you for informing us - we had no idea this was happening. The STOP Cottonwood Sand signs in RSD got my attention. The video is excellent and website is well done. We need more people to be informed."
- Terri Podlenski
"Me and my two roommates live in Jamul and oppose the Cottonwood Sand Mine. Please preserve nature and protect these native lands."
- Rachel
"Cottonwood Golf Club could be a Pickleball Center with 20 courts, retail shops, restaurants, health spa, child care, and hiking trails. A San Diego tournament center for Pickleball. Professional players could be interested in investment opportunities. The County is looking for Pickleball sites."
- Ed Dove
"The effect this sand mine, if approved, might have on the Wildlife Refuge would be devastating and irreversible. The Federal Government must help our fight against this disaster."
- Joe Duncan
"My family of 5 is against the Cottonwood Sand Mine!"
- Holly Scalone
"At some point you will reap what you sow (aka dig) - this sand mine will ruin the environment, animals, plants, and humans. The insatiable desire for money is saddening."
- Georgina Pastrana
"We want this project stopped!"
- Heather Murphy
"Please stop this terrible project. We don't want our beautiful community ruined."
- Ryan Murphy
"Stop this terrible project now. It will bring tons of pollution and traffic to a quiet community. It will destroy important wildlife areas and our river which also supplies drinking water. STOP THIS NOW!"
- Pat Herron
"I support the effort to stop the cottonwood mine project. This is a horrible location for this project. I'm very passionate about supporting our local ecological reserves and will try to donate or help any way I can."
- Brandon Wheelock
"Stop this sand mining."
- Dave Wilkins
"Besides all the negatives about the damage to Willow Glen Dr. and the increased traffic and dust, there is also the long term damage and health risk from the noise, pollution, loss of filtration to the aquifer, the loss of habitat to multiple endangered species. It is a long list of negatives. The sand pit will damage the environment irrevocably in the long run and covering the scars left by the mining operation will be lipstick on a dead pig. The long-term health concerns of people injured by the silica sand that will become airborne during the mining operation will adversely affect many residents such as those with compromised immune systems, children and the elderly who are more at risk and will have to be treated representing more health care costs (to San Diego County) in an economy that cannot care for its residents properly at this time."
- Karen Kain
"The breeze/wind consistently blows east through this river bottom so everyone from Cottonwood to Sycuan will suffer from the dust generated by a sand mine - causing the air quality to be significantly reduced!
- Brad Lenz
"No sand mine. It will ruin our lives."
- Maureen Rukgaber
"My husband and I are 71 and 74 years old. We are both cancer survivors. Our immune systems are weakened from chemotherapy. A sand mine 1/4 mile from our home would greatly impact us. PLEASE DO NOT APPROVE A SAND MINE!
- Melinda Olever & Dave Roman
"We would all be impacted as all Rancho San Diego residents will be impacted by a sand mine. We all experience Jamacha Road, Willow Glenn Drive, and the Chase backups due to full double trailer trucks having difficulty getting up to speed."
- Timothy Schneider
"We don't need another mining operation here. We already have more than enough large dump trucks on our streets and dust contamination in the air that we're breathing. It's such a nice area to destroy and contaminate. I only wish the County could purchase this property and save nature for us to use as a natural area."
- Melvin Miguel
"I am against this. It will ruin this rural area for eternity. If this was in La Jolla or Del Mar this issue would not even come up. Please don't ruin our community."
- Lezlie Hamrick-Smith
"Lung Heath - Stop Cottonwood Sand Mine! This will have a direct impact on our respiratory health and this includes our pets. The windows of our homes will be closed all of the time to avoid the fine floating particles and our pools will be littered with debris from the sand mine. If you question the horridly loud noise, just go to the end of Wieghorst Way just off Fury in RSD where you will experience the old McGrath rock quarry which has been sold and now grinds asphalt. Yes, the business can change from a simple sand mine to something even worse. This kind of business has no place in residential areas or near schools where our children play outside daily."
- Kathy Hebert
"I am opposed to the Cottonwood Sand Mine! This is an important river that feeds a drinking water reservoir. Our efforts should be on restoration, not destruction. Additionally, the area affected by the proposed operation is vast. The proposal is highly inappropriate."
- Cheryl Reiff
"Please keep me updated with what's happening and what members of the public can do. Although I don't live there anymore, I grew up in the area and would hate for this damaging project to harm the community and wildlife."
- Adrienne
"I've been seeing the signs around the community and I've known about this issue but I've finally looked into this and I'd like to know if there is anything else I can do to help. I love this community and the nature that surrounds it!"
- Adrian Theweny
"I'm a local resident and want to help out. I would like to see ALOT more "Stop" signs put up."
- Paul O'Callaghan
"Do not allow this project to go forward. It will negatively impact our peace, schools, roads, traffic, shopping, and lifestyle. It will create air and noise pollution. Our roads will be ruined by the large heavily-laden trucks carrying what will be removed from the Cottonwood Golf Club property. Do not allow this travesty to destroy our beautiful and peaceful community!"
- Rose Marie Peters
"I called the police about a mass amount of garbage and homeless encampments along the Par 4 Trail fence line of the Cottonwood Golf Club property. We should investigate the environmental codes being violated by the owner of this property. I have taken photos. There is a huge mass of garbage along that waterway that eventually drains under the bridge and goes into the protected Nature Preserve. The owner does not monitor that section nor repair the fencing. The police said they will investigate for environmental hazards. There has been fire in that area, as well, due to the homeless encampments. In addition to the police, these environmental issues must be reported to the Water District, Fire Department, and Wildlife Refuge. About 5-10 years ago, the Water District spent a lot of money rehabilitating the endangered riparian environment near the dam. The polluted water flowing from the golf course is part of the Sweetwater Watershed which flows into the protected preserve and will contaminate the riparian environment the Water District was required to protect."
- Anne Stahl
"Another Sand Mine is ridiculous! It ruins our roads and will destroy our property values. And, the property currently looks like crap!"
- Karen White-Filimon
"Stop This Insanity! We, as a community, have chosen to live in the area because of its natural beauty. I have lived in San Diego all my life. Communities such as ours is a rarity now. Taking away this open space will kill our property values. No one ever wants to hear the possibility of such an unwanted commercial endeavor."
- Susan Halbert
"Stop this nonsense!"
- Janice Paul
"If they do manage to push this mine through, what public transportation is planned to help with the additional traffic? Any plans for noise mitigation?"
- Conrado Alarcon
"This will bring more traffic and noise pollution. This disaster has to be stopped at all costs."
- Eduardo Macias
"There may not be a lot of people who hike, bike and run the trail that listen to the music of the birds found along the riparian sections near Rancho San Diego. But we do and would surely miss their sweet sounds, especially since the sand mining would cause so much disturbance and noise. People moved out to the country for peace and quiet and to enjoy the sanctity and blessings of Nature. Don't be greedy SD County, if you need revenue, start by getting rid of overpaid 'administrators' and find a different solution to using cement that requires sand. Dominion of the earth by humans does not mean to do anything you want, it means to take care of and help it to prosper for the benefit of all species, not just humans. I hope this project is canceled, shame on you SD County for even thinking that this is good for the area that people and birds call home and love."
- Harriet R. Feria
"Just seeing what is happening, we moved into Jamul 2 months ago and was never notified from our realtor that this is happening. We started seeing all the signs stop the sand mine at Cottonwood. We are on well water in Lawson Valley and I sure hope this doesn't get approved. The damage to our drinking water and the traffic it will make is just unthinkable. The owner of the golf course is just looking for quick "easy" money it seems like."
- Syndey Longfellow
"Don’t need any more rocks hitting my windshield."
- M. White
"The proposed Project to turn a once beautiful Golf course in East County into a Sand Mining operation will have lasting detrimental effects on quality of life in the Rancho San Diego / Jamul area of our County. Many oxygen producing trees and wildlife will be sacrificed in order to economically extract the end product. Diesel truck pollution will affect the quality of life for miles around; especially close neighbors. Look what is happening in Barrio Logan where children are suffering from Asthma and COPD due to prolonged Diesel particulate exposure. Noise Pollution will lessen quality of life for close neighbors. Sand Mining is a noisy operation no matter the effort to 'tone it down.' Finally, the 'visual' of mechanical operations going on vs the beauty of a verdant environment as it exists today.... I'm hoping someone will step forward and purchase this land and preserve it as a Public Park for all to enjoy in perpetuity. Perhaps one of the Kumeyaay bands will come to the rescue?"
- Dave Beekman
"Our list of 36 general concerns:
1. Noise pollution: Sand mining operations can generate loud noise due to heavy machinery, trucks, and equipment. Nearby residents may be concerned about the constant noise, especially if it continues during nighttime or disrupts their daily activities. 2. Dust and air pollution: Sand mining can produce a significant amount of dust, which may contain harmful particles and minerals. The dust can be carried by wind to surrounding areas, affecting air quality and potentially causing respiratory issues for nearby residents and workers. 3. Traffic congestion and road damage: Sand mining operations require a large number of trucks to transport the mined sand. This increased traffic can lead to congestion on local roads, potentially affecting the daily commute of residents and the accessibility of businesses. Moreover, heavy trucks can cause damage to roads, leading to increased maintenance costs. 4. Water table and groundwater concerns: Sand mining can disrupt the natural water table and aquifer systems. Residents may worry about the impact on their wells or the local water supply. Excavation activities can potentially lower the water table, affect nearby wells, and lead to water scarcity or contamination. 5. Visual impact and landscape alteration: The mining operation may change the visual aesthetics of the area, potentially impacting property values and the overall ambiance of the surroundings. Residents might be concerned about the alteration of natural landscapes and the visual impact of the mine on the community. 6. Environmental degradation and habitat destruction: Sand mining can have adverse effects on the environment, including the destruction of natural habitats, disruption of ecosystems, and disturbance of wildlife. Concerned residents may worry about the long-term ecological impact and loss of biodiversity in the area. 7. Health and safety risks: There could be concerns regarding the health and safety of residents, especially if proper safety measures are not followed at the mining site. Accidents, spills, or the improper handling of mining materials may pose risks to the nearby community. 8. Property value decline: Some residents may be concerned that the presence of a sand mine in the vicinity could lead to a decline in property values, potentially impacting their investments and financial well-being. 9. Community disruption and social impacts: The influx of mining personnel and the overall operation of the sand mine may disrupt the social fabric of the local community. Concerns may arise regarding increased crime rates, strain on local services and infrastructure, and changes in the community's character. 10. Environmental contamination: Sand mining operations can potentially result in the release of contaminants into the surrounding environment. Residents may worry about the pollution of nearby water bodies, soil, or vegetation due to chemical substances used in the mining process or accidental spills. 11. Impact on agriculture and farming: If the area surrounding the sand mine is used for agriculture or farming, concerns may arise about the impact on crop yields, soil quality, and water availability for irrigation. Dust, noise, and changes in the water table can affect agricultural productivity and livelihoods. 12. Negative impact on tourism and recreation: If the sand mine is located in an area known for its natural beauty or tourist attractions, residents and businesses might be concerned about the negative impact on tourism and recreational activities. The presence of a mining operation could deter visitors, leading to economic losses for local businesses reliant on tourism. 13. Loss of natural resources: Sand mining involves the extraction of a valuable natural resource, and concerns may be raised about the depletion of this resource over time. Residents may worry about the long-term sustainability of the mining operation and the potential exhaustion of the sand deposits in the area. 14. Land reclamation and rehabilitation: After sand mining activities cease, there may be concerns regarding the proper reclamation and rehabilitation of the land. Residents may want assurances that the land will be restored to its original state or repurposed for beneficial use, rather than being left as a barren or unused site. 15. Transparency and community engagement: Lack of transparency and communication between the sand mining company and the local community can lead to concerns and distrust. Residents may seek meaningful engagement, regular updates on the mining operation's activities, and opportunities to voice their concerns and provide input. 16. Potential for economic downturn: Some residents and businesses might worry that the sand mine's operation could negatively impact the local economy. They may fear reduced tourism, decreased property values, and the potential displacement of existing businesses due to changes in the community's economic dynamics. 17. Cumulative impacts: If there are already existing industrial or mining operations in the nearby area, residents and businesses may express concerns about the cumulative impact of multiple operations on the environment, public health, and quality of life. They may worry about the combined effects of various mines operating simultaneously. 18. Effects on wildlife and natural habitats: Residents may be concerned about the disruption or destruction of local wildlife habitats, including nesting grounds, migration routes, or breeding areas. They may worry about the impact on endangered or protected species in the region. 19. Potential for groundwater contamination: Sand mining operations may involve the use of chemicals or substances that can leach into the groundwater, posing a risk to drinking water sources. Residents might be concerned about the potential contamination of their well water or local water supply systems. 20. Occupational health and safety: Workers at the sand mine may face health and safety hazards due to the nature of the job, heavy machinery operation, or exposure to dust and chemicals. Concerned residents may express worries about the well-being of the workers and the adequacy of safety protocols at the mining site. 21. Socioeconomic disparities: Some residents might be concerned about the potential socioeconomic disparities resulting from the sand mining operation. They may worry that job opportunities, contracts, or benefits associated with the mine are not distributed equitably, leading to economic inequality within the community. 22. Long-term land use and land rights: Concerns may arise regarding the long-term use of the land after the mining operation ends. Residents might want assurances that the land will be appropriately repurposed or that their own land rights will be protected if the mine expands or requires land acquisition. 23. Vibrations and structural damage: Heavy machinery and blasting activities associated with sand mining can generate vibrations that may cause damage to nearby structures, including residential buildings and businesses. Concerns may be raised about the potential impact on property integrity and safety. 24. Emergency response and preparedness: Residents might express concerns about the readiness of the sand mining company to handle emergency situations such as fires, spills, or accidents. They may want reassurance that appropriate emergency response plans and resources are in place to mitigate any potential risks. 25. Cumulative noise and light pollution: If there are multiple industrial activities in the area, residents may be worried about the cumulative effects of noise and light pollution. The combination of sand mining operations and other nearby industries may contribute to a significant increase in noise levels and intrusive lighting, affecting residents' quality of life. 26. Legal compliance and enforcement: Concerns may arise about the sand mining operation's adherence to environmental regulations, permits, and licensing requirements. Residents might worry about the effectiveness of regulatory oversight and enforcement measures to ensure that the mining company operates within the boundaries of the law. 27. Effects on fishing and water-based activities: If the sand mine is near a water body used for fishing or recreational activities, residents may have concerns about the impact on fish populations, water quality, and the viability of their fishing or water-based businesses. 28. Reduced foot traffic: The presence of a sand mine can deter potential customers from visiting nearby businesses. Increased traffic from mining vehicles or road closures can make it difficult for customers to access the area, resulting in a decrease in foot traffic and potential loss of business. 29. Decline in sales: Businesses may experience a decline in sales as a result of reduced customer visits and decreased discretionary spending in the area. The disruption caused by the sand mining operation can lead to a shift in consumer behavior and a decrease in business revenue. 30. Supply chain disruptions: If businesses rely on regular deliveries or shipments, the increased traffic and congestion caused by sand mining operations can disrupt supply chains. Delays in receiving essential supplies or increased transportation costs can negatively impact the operations and profitability of nearby businesses. 31. Negative perception and reputation: The presence of a sand mine in close proximity to businesses can lead to a negative perception among customers and potential investors. The association with industrial activities or concerns regarding environmental impacts can harm the reputation of businesses and make it challenging to attract new customers or business opportunities. 32. Employee retention and recruitment challenges: The negative impacts and uncertainties associated with a nearby sand mine can affect employee morale and job satisfaction. Employees may be concerned about their health and safety, leading to retention challenges. Moreover, the negative image of the area due to the mining operation can make it difficult to attract new talent to local businesses. 33. Increased operating costs: Businesses near a sand mine may experience increased operating costs due to various factors. This can include higher utility bills, increased insurance premiums, additional security measures, or investments in mitigation efforts to address the impacts of the mining operation. 34. Disruption of business activities: Noise, dust, and vibrations from the mining operation can disrupt the normal functioning of nearby businesses. The constant disturbances can make it challenging for employees to focus on their work and for customers to have a pleasant experience, leading to potential disruptions in day-to-day business activities. 35. Property devaluation: The presence of a sand mine can result in a decline in property values in the surrounding area. This can have a direct impact on businesses that own or lease properties, potentially affecting their assets and long-term viability. 36. Limited expansion opportunities: The proximity of a sand mine may limit the potential for business expansion or attract new investors. Concerns about the stability of the area, environmental impacts, or changes in the local economic landscape can deter businesses from pursuing growth opportunities in the vicinity."
- Li Gao
"This is the wrong industrial grade business in the wrong residential and country environment at the wrong time, and benefits the community in no way. It instead harms and degrades our quality of life snd the environment. It must be blocked."
- Nicholas & Mary Paul
"This sand mine must be stopped!"
- Craig Hendricks
"STOP destroying our land! We are opposed to the Cottonwood Golf Club turning into a sand mine in the middle of our beautiful residential community of Rancho San Diego."
- Zahir Toma
"Stop the Cottonwood Sand Mine. I do not approved of this proposed project."
- Barbara Foster
"We already have added traffic affecting this entire area. The congestion around Rancho San Diego and La Mesa have tripled in the last few years. Especially with the Jamul casino and multiple schools in the area. This would hugely affect the traffic we already have not to mention the noise of these giant proposed trucks. It's a negative situation for all who live near and around Cottonwood. It also will greatly reduce the home prices in the area."
- Laura Hawthorne
" Willing to help in any way possible to stop this."
- Sarah Mikhael
"I vote NO on this proposal to have a sand mine in our community. We love Rancho San Diego just the way it is. Besides, my daughter has asthma and if she is affected by the sand mine, I will be suing."
- Cristina Ancheta
"I was proud to join hundreds of Rancho San Diego residents in voicing strong opposition to the proposed Cottonwood Sand Mine. The project proposes to operate a sand mine and processing plant in the middle of a residential neighborhood in the Jamacha Valley of the Sweetwater River. It will have devastating environmental impacts to the surrounding area, which includes schools, homes, and a wildlife preserve. As your next County Supervisor, my position is clear; we must draw a line in the sand - NO to the Cottonwood Sand Mine."
- Janessa Goldbeck